Comers Hotell

Comers Hotel is aimed at hotels, course farms and hostels that want a modern booking system and at the same time want to make themselves bookable via the Internet.

Hotel key in mobile

The guest can use Comers on their mobile to book their stay online, pay and then check in. Check-in takes place via the integrated mobile website. With connection to different access systems, the guest also gets a key to the room automatically after check-in.
Comers is fully integrated with SALTO SPACE

Cleaning list

Simple for the guest and simple for the hotel means that online bookings can be made until the last available room and right up to arrival. Choosing your favorite room is easy, which is also a way to get satisfied guests at the same time as increased turnover.

Meal list

The meal list provides a clear overview of upcoming meals so you can plan with seating and staff. The list also states whether any allergies or special diets must be taken into account.

Janitor list

Sometimes it happens that something breaks in the room so that the janitors have to rush out. By using the janitor's list, matters can be reported directly to their mobile. Easy for the reception staff by using preset messages and smooth for the caretaker who gets all the information collected. When the case is completed, it is reported again in the list.

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Valbergsängen, Torsby

Varlbergsängen Hotel and Hostel in Torsby, Värmland, uses the COMERS booking system to book hotels and hostels. Room bookings, activities, conferences and packages are booked via Comers.

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